What is Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy?


What is Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy?

Neurological problems are a frequent reason for consultation in primary care pediatrics and on many occasions they become a source of recurrent symptoms. Psychomotor retardation and gait disorders are some of the most frequent problems, according to a report by the Spanish Association of Primary Care Paediatrics. In some of these cases, the intervention of an expert in Neurological Physiotherapy will be necessary.

What does Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy consist of?

Neurological Physiotherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that focuses on the treatment of alterations derived from an impairment of movement caused by a lesion of the central or peripheral nervous system.

Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy focuses specifically on premature babies and newborns who present some type of neurological risk , as well as children and preadolescents who have acquired or congenital brain damage or those who suffer from neurological disorders that affect movement , such as cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases or psychomotor retardation.

The enormous importance of Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy

The main objective of Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy is to restore movement or minimize functional alterations  linked to nervous system injury to promote more adequate development and ensure that the child reaches maximum autonomy and functional independence.

The Neurological Physiotherapy expert will focus his work on promoting child mobility, generally creating new neurological routes that facilitate movement through different activities and stimuli. In fact, one of the main differences of Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy with respect to the treatment of adults is that the child’s brain is still in the development phase, so it has great neuroplasticity.

The infant brain has an enormous capacity to adapt and compensate for injuries, structural or physiological alterations, minimizing their effects on performance. During the first years of life, it is very important to take advantage of this ability to reorganize brain activity to promote alternative pathways that allow the activation of lost functions or functions that have not yet been developed .

When the infant brain receives the appropriate stimuli, the maturation process is optimized. In cases where there is some brake or impediment to maturation, the quality of the stimuli takes center stage to facilitate an adequate level of development. For this reason, Pediatric Neurological Physiotherapy is vital to reinforce and enhance this development. Check out more interesting stories on at our Tesla Blog.

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