No More Premieres, the film of the Converters Movement


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No More Premieres, the film of the Converters Movement

From the #MovimientoConverters we have a fundamental role for you. Which one will you ask?

You will discover that we need your action, help and commitment to combat and reverse the climate crisis in which we are immersed. We need you!

To participate in our film you just have to be clear that this is a real problem and for this we propose that you act for a real change in the way of consuming that precedes us. Do you want to see the trailer and get your script? Know more about mother’s day gift ideas.

During Oscars week we only talk about “premierees” and good performances by the best actors and actresses in the world, and we love the Seventh Art.

For this reason, although we know that you have no experience, we encourage you to be the protagonist of our “film” #NoMásEstrenos and contribute to the change in consumption habits that society needs and that we promote from the #MovimientoConverters. You might be interested in the best gift for mother’s day.

Did you know that each new product that is manufactured emits CO2 into the atmosphere, pollutes the water and depletes the resources of our planet?

Surely yes.

And obviously you will also know that you can convert and change your consumption habits to act against it. Surely you defend a conscious consumption like the one we do at Cash Converters, thanks to which we have stopped emitting 24,321 tons of CO2, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Changing our consumption habits towards a circular economy model is a good way to start, with this alone we can help a lot to turn the reality of our planet upside down.

We are already more than 327,000 people #Converters, who have saved more than €36,500,000 compared to if our purchase option were the first hand, this means that we have given a second chance to more than 2,600,000 items that under normal circumstances They would have ended up in the trash.

It launches a new attitude, launches new consumption habits more in line with our times and with our needs. It releases second-hand products, bets on intelligent and conscious consumption, contributes to a better future for the entire planet. Learn more about mother’s day 2022.

Take action for yourself and your world! Do not be a mere spectator!

Buy second-hand products in our stores, all of them reviewed by our team of experts and with a two-year guarantee. In addition, you will know that you are contributing to emit less CO2, that you are giving a second chance to the finite resources of our planet and that, thanks to you, everything will be better.

Do not miss anything, little things are coming and you will like them. No one can tell us what role we play in our lives, we choose the path and who accompanies us on it.

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